Synthux Hackathon 2024


Digitalized extended human body
Arduino Uno
Heartbeat sensor
Piezo microphone

Coaches & collaborators

Sheng-Fen Chien, HsuanCheng Lin, Wei-Chi Chien
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan Taiwan
In the digital era, there’s been fluid and diversity in human identity. We create an organic, semi-fluid creature as an extension of the human body. The pseudo-creature relies on the human pulse to breathe and rhythm to produce sound. The combination between digitalized body and inorganic that generates entirely new conversation of self-consciousness.
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the tech

How does it work?

In our work, we use an Arduino uno board to control the Pulse sensor and step motor. We collect the heart rate of the audience as input to change the speed of the step motor (28BYJ-48) and drive the pump through “Reciprocating motion”. For the breath of slime, the water pipe is connected to the bottom of the pump and slime. While the air reaches the slime, it inflates and expands, making the sound of inhaling and exhaling. Our setup involves utilizing the MAX9814 microphone amplifier module to capture the audio input signals from our slime pet. The signals then pass through the daisyseed board, where a reverb effect is applied to enhance the sound. This process receives and amplifies the evolving sounds of the slime as it grows.
Open source code
Click here to grab this project's code
Development board
Arduino Uno
Development board
Heartbeat sensor
A heartbeat sensor measures heart rate in real time
Piezo microphone
About the instrument
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