Ciro Caputo Viglione
Unknown Devices

Start with the interface, then figure out the rest

Unknown Devices
Ciro Caputo Viglione
Episode length
Mar 20, 2022

When architect Louis Sullivan coined the phrase Form Follows Function he set the foundation for good design in just three words. In the world of musical instruments, especially electronic ones, designers and engineers who follow the principle stand out of the crowd.

In this episode of the Synth Design Podcast, I talk to Ciro Caputo from Unknown Devices - a synth designer and engineer from Italy. Ciro's approach appeals to me in particular because he starts formulating his concepts directly in Adobe Illustrator. Giving his ideas a clear visual representation helps cut down to the core functionality, which is then being realized in various techniques, both digital and analog depending on the need.  

Moreover, there's an evident love for detail in Ciro's work. Not only in sound and function, but also in motion graphics and brand identity. Altogether making it quite an interesting company to learn from, especially considering it is not only 2 years old.

Below you can see some images of modules not yet released. Check the video and website to see Unknown's first commercial release - Sawari.


Synthux Interview

learn more about the designer

Instrument/s by the designer

Design and engineering

Sketches and prototypes

Unknown Devices // Eisei (WIP) // Ciro Caputo Viglione
Unknown Devices // Eisei (WIP) // Ciro Caputo Viglione
Unknown Devices // Anima (WIP) // Ciro Caputo Viglione
Unknown Devices // Anima (WIP) // Ciro Caputo Viglione
Unknown Devices // Anima (WIP) Splash Screen // Ciro Caputo Viglione
Unknown Devices // Anima (WIP) Splash Screen // Ciro Caputo Viglione
Unknown Devices // Kirin (WIP) // Ciro Caputo Viglione
Unknown Devices // Kirin (WIP) // Ciro Caputo Viglione
Unknown Devices // Sawari Eurorack Module // Ciro Caputo Viglione
Unknown Devices // Sawari Eurorack Module // Ciro Caputo Viglione