Design Academy Eindhoven

Organ Organ

A synthesizer that alters the voice of an individual to provide empowerment through sounds inspired by church organs
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Electret microphone
Teensy Microcontroller
Non selected

Coaches & collaborators

Design Academy Eindhoven
An external body organ and a church organ combined. This synthesizer provides empowerment of the individual human voice. The strength in our voice is decreasing in a world of loud and strong opinions. You are expected to decide, make choices, and believe in general words said. But where did our own voice go? Where is the trust in not knowing? Since church organs have (had) such an impact on people’s belief systems and can be overwhelming in expressing something not everyone has to understand, this is what helps you hear your own voice, your Organ Organ story. Let it be loud. Overwhelm yourself.
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the tech

How does it work?

This synthesizer is built with a teensy 3.2, a soundboard, a microphone, and two potentiometers. The microphone gain, and the gain on the mixer, can be adjusted with the two potentiometers. By increasing the microphone gain, the volume will rise. By increasing the mixer gain, there will be a delay and heavy feedback. Altogether, this creates an ongoing echo of your own voice
Open source code
Click here to grab this project's code
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Electret microphone
Record or detect audio gain (volume) changes
Teensy Microcontroller
About the instrument
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