Synthux Hackathon 2023


Creating an interactive audio experience for people passing through underground hallways.
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Arduino Uno
Touch sensor
A habitat for coexistence

Coaches & collaborators

SRH Berlin university of applied sciences
Forescape is an audio installation aiming to enhance urban infrastructure by implementing nature impressions to underground hallways. Its name is derived from “forest” and “soundscape”, forming the phrase “for escape” in the process. Our goal is to create an interactive audio experience that reacts to people passing through an environment. A combination of forest recordings, nature sounds and an ambient synthscape à la “Music for Airports” is used to create an instrument that is played passively by walking.
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the tech

How does it work?

Every person is assigned their own synth pad, which only plays while they are inside the audio installation. To accomplish this, two sensors are used, one at the entrance and one at the exit. Further sound effects (for example cracking branch, short arpeggio, …) are triggered by stepping on piezo sensors scattered on the ground. All sensors are connected to an Arduino board, sending information to a special MaxForLive-patch responsible for triggering clips in the corresponding Ableton Live session.
Open source code
Click here to grab this project's code
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Visual programming language for music and multimedia
Music production program
Arduino Uno
Development board
Touch sensor
A touch capacitance sensor can detect anything that is conductive
About the instrument
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