Synthux Hackathon 2022

Aural Thread - Sonic Web

An environment in which fabric can be explored in a multisensorial way
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Daisy seed microcontroller
Light sensor

Coaches & collaborators

Design Academy Eindhoven
Sonic web considers the link between weaving and synthesised sound. Both fields of creative production are based on the encoding of data and its time-based performance. The project creates an environment in which the viewer can engage with a tactile textile, which is usually understood as relatively mute, in an auditory way.
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the tech

How does it work?

Fitted into a black plexiglass table, a series of LDR’s receive the light of the LED’s built into a panel on its opposite side. A pliable copper, silk, and monofilament woven fabric is placed between the light source and the sensors, inviting the viewer to shape the textile, thus influencing the light received by the LDR’s and changing its sonic perception.
Open source code
Click here to grab this project's code
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Daisy seed microcontroller
A powerful microcontroller for synthesis programmed through C++, Arduino, Pure data and Max MSP
Light sensor
A light sensor detects light in its proximity
About the instrument
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